Select soccer



How We Play - How We Perform

The Iowa Rush Select Program is a comprehensive approach to developing players and teams. We have a progressive, tangible Player Development Philosophy that is ball focused, player centered and age appropriate.

Coaches are guided by a methodology that is sport based and educationally sound, with age group guidelines, training foci, and curriculum based on national and international concepts appropriate for each age.

Two young men are playing soccer on a field.
icon of soccer ball and cones


Train 3 nights per week

A black and white icon of a soccer goal and a soccer ball.



  • Fall & Spring season
  • ISL League (7-8 games on Sat/Sun) in Pella & Central Iowa
  • 2 weekend tournaments
  • 2024-2025 fees: $1,000 (plus uniform)


  • Fall season only
  • ISL League (7-8 games on Sat/Sun) in Pella & Central Iowa
  • 1 weekend tournament
  • 2024 fees: $400 (plus uniform)

$25 tryout fee

A black and white icon of a document with a check mark and a magnifying glass.


Players interested in playing at the collegiate-level have access to coaching staff who can help provide support in the recruiting process.

Headshot of Scott Treft

technical director

Scott Treft