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a crowd of kids with their hands in the air happy

Rush Fest Registration Now Open

2013 Players can now register for Rush Fest, a week-long festival of soccer that marks the transition from 9v9 soccer to 11v11. You have to see it to believe it!

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Rush Midwest Festivals

Rush Midwest Festival Weekends provide 11U (2014) and 12U (2013) Boys and Girls teams associated with Rush the opportunity to build community while providing developmental experiences in a collaborative environment.

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Wartburg Overnight Summer Soccer Camp

Registration is now open for our yearly residential soccer camp at Wartburg College. You won't want to miss out!

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Iowa Rush South


Iowa Rush South is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing competitive, organized soccer for Pella and surrounding area youth with 5U-19U teams. Our club is operated by the Iowa Rush South Board Members who are volunteers, who give of their time and talents outside their normal, full-time jobs because they are dedicated to helping to provide the youth of southeastern Iowa the opportunity to enjoy and grow in the wonderful sport of soccer. Iowa Rush South pays a fee per participant to the City of Pella to lease and maintain the Pella Soccer Complex. 

Player News

Iowa rush player pathway abby warner class of 2024
November 26, 2024
from Iowa Rush to DI College Soccer

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