home Fields

Pella Sports Park

393 Baseline Drive Pella, Iowa 50219

Pella Sports Park Field Map

Rules & Regulations: Pets / animals, alcoholic beverages, smoking, and weapons are prohibited at the Pella Sports Park by the City of Pella.

Field Closures:

  • Monday - Friday The City of Pella determines by 3pm if the fields need to be closed due to conditions.
  • Saturday - Sunday: The City of Pella determines before 7am if the fields needs to be closed due to conditions.

Field notifications will be posted in the Sports Facilities section of the News Flash  category. We recommend that you and all coaches sign up to receive these notifications if you want to know the Pella Soccer Complex field status the minute the city sends it out.  The information may also be viewed on the City’s website.

Sign-Up for Field Status Alerts

  1. Go to  www.cityofpella.com/notifyme
  2. Follow instructions in the blue box at the top of the page.
  3. After setting up your email address, you need to scroll down to the News Flash section and find Sports Facilities.
  4. You can select to receive emails and/or text to your cell phone.
  5. Emails come from Sports Facilities <listserv@civicplus.com> (Do not reply to this email)

  • News Flashes are only sent out from the City of Pella for closures.  If a News Flash does not come out the next day by 3pm Monday-Friday or by 7am Saturday-Sunday, then the assumption is the complex is open.
  • We try to send mass emails and/or share on social media when possible.
  • If your team is scheduled for practice on a day that the complex has to be closed, your team's coach will decide if practice is canceled or if it will be held at another location.