Little Kickers

5U-8U players

A black and white icon of a calendar with a leaf on it.

2025 spring Session

Who: 5U-8U (2020 - 2017 Birth Years)


5U-6U- 1x per week
7U-8U- 2x per week


5U-6U Weekly during trainings
7U-8U Saturday Mornings

Season kicks off in April 2025

A black and white icon of a speech bubble with the letter i inside of it.


2025 Spring Soccer

U5 - U6 (2020-2019) - $45/player

U7 - U8 (2018-2017) - $70/player

T-shirt uniform is included in the price. Shirt ordering instructions will be emailed after registration.

Volunteer coaches are needed! Please consider volunteering to assist or lead a group.

Pella Sports Complex (393 Baseline Dr, Pella, Iowa)


Fun & Friendly Soccer for Kids

Little Kickers is an In-House soccer program for 5U-8U age groups with all practices and games at Pella Soccer Complex.  Our In-House program is run via festival style. Flexible groupings for trainings and games makes for a well rounded positive experience. This is an environment for our youth where there is no pressure on players, positive reinforcement, professionally managed, and players learn soccer while having fun!

Per US Soccer rules, recommended roster size of 6 is standard to play 4v4, which means 4 players vs. 4 players with no goalkeeper. 4v4 soccer is meant to be played in a less structured environment in order to maximize fun and participation; thus, players 8U and younger should play without formal teams and rosters. Conducting play through in-house programs with flexible and fluid teams is the best approach.

little kids in soccer jerseys high fiving
icon of soccer ball and cones


  • Practices normally begin two weeks prior to the first game weekend.

  • 5U-6U Coed practice once a week and parent/guardian has a choice of two nights determined by the volunteer coaching staff.

  • 7U-8U Boys and Girls practice in separate groups, two nights a week (usually Tuesday and Thursday)

  • Days and times for practices will be emailed once final. They are based on numbers within each age group who register.

  • Ball Size - 3

A black and white icon of a soccer goal and a soccer ball.


  • Our goal is to schedule 5U-6U games and 7U-8U games at different time slots so families with children in both age groups can enjoy the entire games of both!

  • Game times are 4x8 which means 4 periods of 8 minutes each

  • No scores are kept, no pressure, lots of do-overs, lots of encouragement

  • 5U-6U games are refereed by volunteer coaches; 7U-8U games are refereed by paid, certified officials.

  • Players will be randomly assigned to new team every game day, ideally 5-6 players per team.

  • Parent volunteers will be needed to help with group practices and games. The Director of In-House will help all coach volunteers learn how to help at practices and games.

  • Little Kicker shirts will be worn for games.

Headshot of Lay Htoo

Program Director

Lay Htoo

Little Kickers links